Medusa Part 2

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Part One of ‘The Head of the Medusa' used the imagery of the Medusa myth to analyze the crisis we face at the hands of the Feminazi. Part Two will continue to explore the ‘land of perpetual darkness' through which Perseus' reincarnations, both male and female, must travel.

  1. Medusa Part 2 Movie
  2. Medusa Part 2 Wiki
  3. Medusa Part 2 Walkthrough
  4. Medusa Part 2 Trailer
  • Aqui la ultima parte de este comic de Medusa hecho por Jun Chiu, es la parte mas triste del comic, espero que les haya gustado este comic. Muy pronto nuevos.
  • Supergirl Season 2 episode 8, 'Medusa,' was a great episode – one of the best so far. But in terms of crossover, there was none. The Flash and Vibe showed up for less than 30 seconds. This means if you were afraid you'd miss some ‘Invasion!' action, you'll be relieved to.
From Part 1 and your own research, it should be painfully obvious to you that Athena is Medusa, and all other goddesses are lunar in origin and operate in a Hive Mind manner

Continuing from Part 1 , we were showing how Medusa is portrayed in all art these days , in multiple forms, hidden in plain sight, and no one is the wiser (makes sense seeing as Athena is all about wisdom and withholding such)

If you have no understanding of fractality and twinning you will have trouble understanding 'the facts'

The Starcraft series of games are entirely about Medusa, The Moon and the Space Wars in Alpha Draconis
Insectoid linguistics are used alot in this script (HIVE) (QUEEN BEE) (LOCUST) (SWARM) but also alot of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) linguistics

Now the RED HAIRED woman from Starcraft is SARAH KERRIGAN
Kerrigan (IGAN = NAGI)

Red Hair itself is a major theme in this script, seeing as Medusa is also refered to as 'THE RED QUEEN' or 'QUEEN OF HEAVEN'

Now the Queen of Heaven is MARY mother of JESUS
And we see the moon behind both there heads
So we have Mary and Jesus with red hair . Now understanding Medusa uses disguises (male or female) one can now see and understand that Mary (Jesus' mother) and Mary Magdalene (Jesus's wife) are in fact the same person, just as Athena is Medusa
Curious note in Simple Gematria (A=1 , B=2 , Z=26)

What is clearly obvious is the crescent moon shape behind her head, thereby allowing us to draw the conclusion that MARY is a Lunar Projection connected to the Hive Mind controlled and operated by an A.I inside the Medusa's Head (Moon)

One should also take note of mARy encoding RA in her name

Now there is another red haired Sarah that deals with the exact same script I'm decoding here .

This is where the 'fractals' have blown me away and revealed that indeed we are reading this script the correct way

So SKYNET (aThENa) is an A.I. system killing all humans (NET=TEN as in the SATOR square)

SARAH CONNOR who gives birth to JOHN CONNOR (JC = JESUS CHRIST) who's father is from the future thereby making John fatherless

So if John Connor is Jesus christ that makes Sarah Mary (The Red Queen)
In the anime film Golgo 13 Queen Bee, we have a red haired woman who is a fractal of Sarah Connor

They both even do military training and missions in south america
Sarah Connor also being a fractal of Sarah Kerrigan

There is even a part in Riddick Assault on Dark Athena when he says he

There is a movie that features the Red Queen
In the movie it is stated that RED QUEEN is a state of the art A.I.
This is where it gets a little messy for those unacustomed to fractality and neuro linguistics

Medusa Part 2 Movie

Now at the end of the movie , one of the men is mutating and is put into the NEMESIS program. Pay attention to this linguistic term

Now Micheele Rodrigeuz stars alongside VIN DIESEL (Riddick) in the movie XXX (2002) . Vin Diesel's character's name is ZANDER, which is connected to ALEXANDER from the Movie NEMESIS (1992) which is about cyborgs and souls
Medusa is also in the movie, and on the cover
Now in the Japanese anime Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs you have a girl named April fighting with the good guys, but this is Medusa, pretending to be good (Just like virgin Mary & Athena)

Now in the anime they are fighting NEMESIS who is a cyborg A.I

In all these supposedly seperate art creations the same linguistic scripts are found within detailing the same plots and same characters (slightly altered)
Notice the Red Crescent hairband

So you have April aka Medusa fighting Nemesis and in Pirates of the Caribbean you have Jack Sparrow who is Captain of the Black Pearl (Lilith) and in the 4th movie you have him onboard Queen ANN'S REVENGE


Medusa Part 2 Wiki

Same red hairband, and the hair is Medusa's Serpent Hair


So indeed the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdelene are 2 aspects of the same source.

Now the RED QUEEN a.k.a MARY is MEDUSA

Mary encodes RA and GOLGO refers to ALGOL

Medusa Part 2 Walkthrough

Now if you are not familair with the bad guy from Batman called Ra Al-Ghul you may want to acquiant yourself with him

Medusa Part 2 Trailer

Medusa part 2 walkthrough

So indeed the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdelene are 2 aspects of the same source.

Now the RED QUEEN a.k.a MARY is MEDUSA

Mary encodes RA and GOLGO refers to ALGOL

Medusa Part 2 Walkthrough

Now if you are not familair with the bad guy from Batman called Ra Al-Ghul you may want to acquiant yourself with him

Medusa Part 2 Trailer

Read the neuro linguistics . the JOKER is JANUS . JANUS is JESUS son of the RED QUEEN MARY

Is it any surprise you see a direct reference to this in James cameron's Terminator 2 with the T-1000 poly morphic alloy

The A.I. Hive Mind which controls this planet , the source of which originates from the moon as was disclosed by Stanley Kubrick in his film 2001 A Space Odyssey

Also take note that a fractal occurs in both films (2001 & Star Trek) where the crew is forced to evacuate the ship (EVA = EVE) to defend themselves from the A.I.

So we see in Star Trek First contact that the BORG HIVE MIND is MEDUSA, she controls the HIVE

As she introduces herself to Data she refers to herself as the Beginning and the End (Alpha & Omega) which is what YAHWEH says about himself, and is it any wonder all who look upon YAHWEH die ???

Just like Medusa . well here is the proof (HiVE as in yah VEH)
Now there is an incredible fractal between Barclay from Star Trek, 'John Henry' from Terminator TSCC and Jessy Blue from Saber Rider.

All 3 characters are connected to the A.I. script , but this will be for another article

Now the T-1000 from Terminator TSCC apart from being an A.I. is a redhead
So what we have is this RED HAIRED, RED CLOTHED, HIVE MIND A.I. which projects itself into our reality , altering and changing it

Remember what Morpheus said
Were you listening? Or were you looking at the woman in the Red Dress?
Look again

To be continued

I've been continuing to work with Medusa and running it as if I'm a attacker internal to my network. Being 'internal' I already know that my account lockout policy is 20 passwords. With that in mind I created a password file that has a list less than 20 (this way I don't lockout my users by running the test). I did some searching on the net for common passwords then removed any passwords that don't match the requirements of my password policy. I then did a dump of my users from Active Directory to get a text file listing them. To do this:

  1. Log into a domain controller
  2. Run Active Directory Users and Computers
  3. Right click on the Saved Queries folder at the top and select New – Query from the menu.
  4. Enter a name and description
  5. Click the Browse button next to the 'Query root' field so that you can select the location at which and below you want user accounts for.
  6. Click the Define Query button.
  7. In the window that appears under the Users tab select 'Has a value' from the Name drop down.
  8. Click the OK button to jump out.
  9. Click on the query within the Saved Queries folder and the results will appear.
  10. You can change which columns appear in the list by right clicking in the list view (outside of any data) then selecting View – Add/Remove Columns.
  11. Ensure that the 'Pre-Windows 2000 Name' column is included in the results as this is the value you want in the user list file you will have Medusa use.
  12. Right click on the query and select Export List from the menu (you can right click in the list view outside of any data to get the Export List menu item as well.
  13. Save the file as desired.
  14. If you included columns other than 'Pre-Windows 2000 Name' you are going to have to modify the file so that this column is the only one in the file that you have Medusa run against. The biggest infinity. Now that you have a user name list file and a password file in hand you fire up Medusa with the following command:

medusa -h -U username.txt -P password.txt -M smbnt Spotfiles 3 0 17 – find files without spotlight.

Digital gaming solutions. I was very happy to see that no matches were found in my environment. Why is this? I have my password change policy set to every 45 days. I also enforce a policy that 14 passwords back cannot be used (this gets you away from using months as the password). The key with any password policy is balance, too strict and users are going to write them down, too easy and Medusa will be very effective. Give it a go on your network and see what you get.

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